Background information

Name "Black-leg" Sanji
Aliases Mr. Prince, Sangoro, Vinsmoke Sanji
Origin North Blue
Birthday March 2nd (21yo post-TS)
Height 5'11" (post-TS)
Residence The Thousand Sunny
Occupation Cook and left-hand of the future Pirate King
Affiliations The Baratie, Strawhats, Kamabakka Kingdom, Germa 66

Black-Leg Sanji is the Strawhat pirates' very own fighting cook. He loves women to a fault--that fault mostly being that he won't fight them, regardless of their interest in harming him--and hates food being wasted almost more than anything because of his history as a shipwreck survivor.

He spent two years living in the Kamabakka Kingdom--a haven for queers--and came back more pervy and embarassing than ever.

He's one of the coolest, most badass characters in the show--provided you can get over all the horny nosebleeds.

Why do I like him?

His past:

An exiled prince, a fighting cook.

Sanji has a huge amount of willpower and resilience to have made it through his godawful childhood in Germa and subsequently spending almost three months shipwrecked, without food or water, on an isolated rock in the middle of the ocean. Something I really admire is that he not only deals with all of this and comes out the other side, but also that he comes out kind despite it all. Sanji, despite his faults and his terrible coping mechanisms, is a wonderful example of what I want to be as someone who's had a hard life.

His heart:

The fires of passion never fade.

Look. I'm as tired of horny anime men as anyone else is, but like. He's such a fucking loser. And somehow also the most badass Strawhat?? It's fucking awesome. It particularly rules because he's actually, genuinely a really good guy who cares for people so much that it's quite literally detrimental to himself.

Something you see in the show is that Sanji is the caretaker of the group; even when he's bitching at the other men on the ship, you can see the affection shining through--particularly in the cases of Chopper and Usopp. Sanji can also be seen doing the laundry, cleaning, etc., and when you pair those with his role as the ship's cook and his policy of "no one goes hungry," you really get to see just how caring aand nurturing he really is.
There's a reason the fandom tends to refer to him as the Strawhat Mom.

His fighting:

Blood and flame.

There is something so fucking unhinged about a man who is flexible enough, brutal enough, and strong enough to kill a person by kicking them to death. Just thinking about the weight of those impacts and the viscera involved is insane. Sanji is so fucking dedicated to his principles--namely that a chef's hands are their most precious tool--that he has become a monster on the battlefield without any need for tools (unlike Zoro, lol) or to even take his hands out of his damn pockets. It is unfortunately hot.

There is also something to be said about the fact that he inherited one of the things that defines him as a character from the man who saved his life--the man who made it clear that a family isn't based on blood--rather than using the weapons he was trained to under Germa.

Even beyond his actual fighting style, the fact that Sanji, as a non Devil Fruit user, perfected Diable Jambe and Skywalk is fucking insane--we get to watch his process in learning and developing these skills and it's really indicative of how smart he is.

His design:

Something about a well-dressed man.

Man, when they made Sanji, they really just took everything I like about men and just...put it all in a blender.

He smokes and has a foul mouth and a deep voice.

His waist is tiny and his legs are miiiiiiles long. Pretty blond hair, pretty blue eyes, oscillates between having a great sense of style and absolutely no fashion sense at all. The rolled up sleeves, the suits, the belt chain, the silly aprons.

He's a fucking disaster of self-loathing and inferiority complexes and toxic masculinity. Something about his pathetic, horny demeanor paired with his competence and brutality just makes me want to eat him alive.

My roommate describes him as "the most lesbian man alive" for good fucking reason; something about him just screams "high-femme wannabe-butch overcompensating."

What are my headcanons?

My cringefail girlfriend!

Released 2014.03.12

1. Catallena (까탈레나)
2. So Sorry
3. Crying Uncontrollably

LGBTQ themes:

Released 2014.08.18

1. My Copycat
2. The Gangnam Avenue

Music Videos

Magic Girl


Bangkok City

Shanghai Romance

Funny Hunny



Abing Abing

My Copycat

The Gangnam Avenue

